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~ Dinosaur Bone cab ~

Here is cabochon of pyritized dinosaur bone that I, Christopher, fashioned from a specimen found on the Isle of Wight, a place some call 'Dinosaur Island'. An acquaintance of my father sent it to him, and he shared a portion with me so I could cut this cab. This permineralized bone was part of an extremely rare fossil that's hundreds of millions of years old, and all its cells have been replaced by shiny metallic pyrite/marcasite. There is a patch of open cells that sparkle and gleam because of the cubic crystallization of tiny pyrite cubes inside. This unique cab has a super reflective surface that was a real pain to photograph, but once you get this beauty in your hand, you will love it!! It's THE most awesome dinosaur bone I've ever had!

Size: 37x23mm
Weight: approximately 65 carats

Price: SOLD



pyritized dinosaur bone




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